Well we made it through the first week of social distancing, sheltering in place and trying to flatten that darn curve. How’d you fare?
I did pretty well. Only because I’ve had practice feeling isolated and uncertain. About 7 months ago, I left my stable job as a community pharmacist (the irony is not lost on me) to pursue interior design full time. I can only describe the tail end of 2019 as the most afraid, insecure, uncertain and isolated I have ever felt in my life. Despite having taken a leave of absence earlier that year, nothing could have prepared me for the disruption of becoming a full time entrepreneur. In particular the lack of regular social interactions. The silly conversations that used to annoy me with my twenty-something assistants, I found myself desperately missing.
In order to adjust and learn to thrive, I had to develop key habits and rituals. So when we were all told to isolate and stay in place last week, I was finally at a place where I felt comfortable in my new normal, which has made adjusting to the global new normal a little easier.
I certainly miss family diners, visiting suppliers and drinks with my girlfriends. But this pandemic has given me an opportunity to get creative and do all the things I’ve been meaning to do. I’ve FaceTimed more in the last week than ever before, my daily walks have become the favourite part of my day and and it’s created space to pause and just think. I know these are scary and uncertain times. But I can’t help but think there is something bigger at play. And if we allow it, we’ll all come out of this so much stronger.
Today’s Tuesday 10 is a collection of links to help you through this unprecedented time. Enjoy!
- Tips from an astronaut about isolation, or physical distancing, as I prefer to call it.
- The one design style that sells 10% more homes.
- Small tweaks with big design impact.
- If you live alone, like me, here’s how not to go crazy during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- The practice of intuitive eating.
- 30 DIY beauty treatments you can do in the comfort of your own home.
- A little giggle: the first lines of 10 classic novels rewritten for social distancing.
- Carrot cake has always intimidated me, but this recipe looks so good, I may just give it a go.
- When one of your favourite bloggers comes to your neck of the woods, and loves it as much as you do.
- The joys of silence.
Design: Neelam Interiors; Photography: MJay Photography