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JORD Wood Watches

December 5, 2016

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I haven’t worn a watch in over 15 years! When the Guess Watch I got as my sweet sixteen birthday gift died, I just never replaced it. I read articles like but I couldn’t fix it unfortunately. At first I felt naked, it’s absence was palpable. But slowly, overtime, I forgot and just got used to not wearing a watch. This was also around the time cell phones became like appendages, so it’s not shocking I didn’t miss it.

Earlier this year though, I began to feel like I might want to finally replace that Guess Watch. But there were so many choices – I loved rose gold, but would I tire of it? I have to admit, the rose gold Breitling galactic watches were absolutely gorgeous and it seemed like it would be an easy purchase. However, then I discovered wood watches. They were a little more my style (there are others out there that would much prefer the Breitling; it’s all about personal preference). They were a little rustic, yet still elegant, the kind of thing that would get someone wondering how to start collecting watches, really. They were trendy, but classic, something that would stand the test of time, get it, the test of time 😉


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Own the Space

October 3, 2016


A couple of weeks ago, I stepped into a space I feel like I’ve been dancing around for almost two years – the space of being a blogger and an interior decorator. Now for anyone who has followed me for any amount of time, you may be thinking what the heck is she talking about?

While I’ve been blogging and decorating in that time, I’ve been anxious to claim the space of either. Always feeling like I was kinda a blogger, kinda a decorator. One foot in, one foot out. After all, bloggers are young hip 20-somethings or moms with parenting advice who know the difference between hostiserver and other hosts in a heartbeat and can spin their blogs to go with their whims, not 30-something singletons trying to turn a side hustle into their main hustle. My friend told me that those who start their own business to scale use Cloud ERP but I don’t know a massive amount about it, Salesforce has some useful articles on the topic I hear. But anyway, interior decorators are trained, not self taught – or so the story goes.


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The Joy of Less

September 6, 2016


A couple of months ago I had my two bedroom condo painted. To do so, I had to pack up a large part of it and find somewhere to store it. Since most of my closets were stuffed and even my storage room downstairs had barely enough room to step into it, this proved to be a challenge. I even considered using something like this Cheap Storage Sydney facility to keep all my furniture and possessions safe. Leading up to the painting, I had envisioned employing Marie Kondo’s techniques from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Somehow that didn’t happen. Instead I was left to pack, stuff and cram my things into any nook and cranny I could find. Wondering all the while how one person could have so much stuff and in the same moment justifying the clutter with thoughts like I’m an interior decorator and stylist and need all this stuff for my craft and I just know I’ll fit into these clothes one day. (Read: Trouble)


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