A couple of weeks ago, I stepped into a space I feel like I’ve been dancing around for almost two years – the space of being a blogger and an interior decorator. Now for anyone who has followed me for any amount of time, you may be thinking what the heck is she talking about?
While I’ve been blogging and decorating in that time, I’ve been anxious to claim the space of either. Always feeling like I was kinda a blogger, kinda a decorator. One foot in, one foot out. After all, bloggers are young hip 20-somethings or moms with parenting advice who know the difference between hostiserver and other hosts in a heartbeat and can spin their blogs to go with their whims, not 30-something singletons trying to turn a side hustle into their main hustle. My friend told me that those who start their own business to scale use Cloud ERP but I don’t know a massive amount about it, Salesforce has some useful articles on the topic I hear. But anyway, interior decorators are trained, not self taught – or so the story goes.
I know I’m not the only one to ever experience fear or doubt. But something about committing to travel to two events on opposite sides of country, made claiming both very real and utterly terrifying. Living in limbo, allowed me to stay safe. If it didn’t work out, oh well, I wasn’t really committed to it. It was just this thing I did on the side. I didn’t have to worry about failing, because I wasn’t fully committing.
Fear is a powerful beast and having failed at a business in the past, I am all to familiar with the pain, frustration and embarrassment that goes with it.
But here’s the thing, as long as I was afraid to claim the space for myself, the Universe wasn’t going to support me realizing this dream. And after some soul searching, I was finally ready to admit that did want to realize this dream. I do want this creative world to be my one and only hustle, but until I showed up fully, the Universe was going to remain confused.
So walking into Blogpodium, a conference in Toronto for bloggers all across Canada, and IDS Vancouver an amazing Interior Design Show (much more to come on my favs from the show), I decided to finally own the space. Not in a fake till you make way, but in an honest, this is where I’m at way; humbly admitting to what I did not know and honestly asserting that this was the space I wanted to be in. And just as importantly, allowing myself to be passionate and excited about what I was learning and the amazing possibilities.
Terrifying, yes. Inspiring and exhilarating, definitely. Confirmation that this is where I am meant to be, most certainly.
I share this for two reasons, first to selfishly demonstrate to the Universe that yes, I am fully owning this space; and secondly to perhaps inspire you to set fear and ego aside and just freakin’ go for it! Whatever happens, I know I’ll be glad I tried and I suspect you might too ;-)
Always with love,
In the spirit of owning the space, if you’d like help bringing your design vision for your home to life or you have a story idea or want to contribution to Patterns and Prosecco, please click here.