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Estonian Kringle

July 10, 2016

Estonian Kringle

It’s another gloomy Sunday here in Calgary and despite this being the first weekend of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, the Calgary Stampede, I’m feeling like cozying up and staying inside with a comforting treat, like this Estonian Kringle.

I first discovered the Estonian Kringle on Instagram, when fellow designer, blogger and avid baker, LemonTree Interiors shared her Kringle – it was intricately beautiful and made of cinnamon – I just had to give it ago.

A Kringle is a traditional sweetbread made with cardamom, saffron, raisins or cinnamon and twisted into the shape of a pretzel. It’s considered mandatory in Estonia for birthdays, weddings, and other special occasions – a Canadian in the Wimbledon Final and the Euro 2016 Final all in one day was special enough for me!


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Strawberry Shortcakes

July 3, 2016


Nothing says Summer eating to me like Strawberry Shortcakes and since it’s Canada Day Weekend here, I’m in a red and white mood and thought this would be the perfect sweet cap to the weekend.  I absolutely love this recipe, it’s super simple and rustic, which is code for fool proof!  The more ‘imperfect’ it looks, the better actually!

I completely embraced the rustic vibe of this recipe and used the ring of mason jar lids to cut my shortcakes.  I love the look of little round shortcakes piled high with strawberries and whip cream, but you can cut the shortcakes into squares too!  They taste amazing either way!


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Sips Sweets

Watermelon Margarita Popsicles

June 30, 2016

watermelon margarita popsicles

For the first time in a number of years Canada Day falls on a Friday, making the holiday that much sweeter!  A long weekend to kick back, relax and celebrate this amazing country we are so privileged to call home.

And what says long weekend more than popsicles and cocktails?  So why not combine them! Yes, please!  These minty Watermelon Margarita Popsicles are easy and delicious.  Make them kiddo friendly by simply omitting the tequila. And for double dose of fun, use them in place of ice in Watermelon Margaritas!

Cheers!  Wishing you a wonderful Canada Day weekend and to my friends south of the border, Happy 4th of July!


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