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Berry Cream Crêpe Cake

April 17, 2018

berry cream crepe cake

The first few months of 2018 have been a blur. And while it’s been thrilling to have new opportunities and business come in, it’s meant less time in the kitchen. Which for many may be a welcome change, but for someone who loves to bake as much as I do, it’s created a bit of void.

So when E.D. SMITH reached out for a collaboration I was completely ecstatic – I was being happily forced back into the kitchen! E.D. SMITH is the largest Canadian manufacturer of jams, jellies and marmalade – for over 135 years! With a painfully delayed Spring around here this year, working with the E.D. SMITH line of products was the perfect way to bring the flavours of Spring into my baking.


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Tips and Tricks

Decorating for Spring

March 29, 2016

spring1 Source

Eeeep! Spring is in the air! Having lived in Calgary for the last 10 years I know better than to expect Spring’s arrival simply because the calendar says so, but I dare say this year we may actually experience spring on time! I spied tiny little green buds breaking through on the trees in my neighborhood the other day, which can mean only one thing – it’s time to talk decorating for spring!

This is definitely one of my favorite times of year, I simply love the freshness, newness and lightness of the season – three things I like to bring into my decor at this time of year as well!


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