
My Word

January 4, 2016

Image 1(PC: JWS Interiors)

It’s a new year and for many of us that means setting resolutions and goals for ourselves.  If you read my post on New Years Eve, (if you were out celebrating and missed it, you can read it here) you know that carving out time for reflection is an important part of my closing the book on a year.  I believe it’s an important part of consciously creating and achieving in the new year, how can you possibly know where you’re headed without understanding where you’ve come from?

Having said that I don’t set resolutions.  They are far to serious and the word itself if riddled with negative energy, why would I want to bring that into the new year?

I do however set goals. I love setting goals.  As I started to think about what I wanted to create in 2016, this is some of what came up – read more, return to my yoga practice, date more, increase Patterns and Prosecco’s reach, step more fully into being an interior decorator, etc. etc.  However, as I excitedly journaled away, one word continued to emerge, over and over – SPACE.

My incredibly wise and inspiring girlfriend, the same one who writes a letter to herself every year (read about it here) also introduced me to the idea of having a word for the year.  As hard as I tried to change my word to something more in alignment with my achieving, type A personality, (think success, focus, drive, etc) I could not get SPACE out of my head.

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And truth be told, I knew exactly why.  2016 is going to be a big year, I can feel it.  There’s a lot I want to create, SPACE reminds me that in all the doing, creating, and achieving, to leave room for MAGIC.  That’s right, MAGIC.  The glorious mysteries, synchronicities and miracles of the Universe.  MAGIC.

We are all busy, or as I like to call it – leading very full lives.  It’s easy to get caught up in all that we have to get done in a day, checking things off our to-do lists, running from one meeting to the next, which don’t get me wrong, energizes me, the busier I am the better I am.  But having chosen SPACE as my word for 2016, gently encourages to me pause, create pockets of time for reflection – am I still on track? Or have I drifted astray?  Leaving SPACE for MAGIC, reminds me it’s okay if things don’t go according to plan, there is a BIGGER plan.  Magic.

Remember that goal about returning to my yoga practice?  SPACE also relates to my physical body.  I’m a fan of intense workouts, the harder and more challenging the better.  But as I get older (I can’t believe I’m now at an age where that phrase is relevant!) my body is craving SPACE in the form of opening and breath.  Yoga.

So what are your goals for 2016?  Have you considered choosing a word for the year?  I’d love to hear about how you approach a new year.  And again, however you intend to face 2016, I wish you a year of joy, inspiration and love!



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  • ~ carmen ~ January 4, 2016 at 8:54 pm

    You’re so right. It’s easy to get caught up in to do lists & forgotten tasks. I have yet to choose my word for 2016. Last year it was SUCCESS so we shall see. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    • neelam January 4, 2016 at 9:01 pm

      Exactly! I’d love to know what you choose for 2016 Carmen 🙂 It’s a powerful exercise!

  • Trang Do January 5, 2016 at 5:52 am

    Love this post! Great idea!! I will choose my word by this week! 🙂
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

    • neelam January 5, 2016 at 2:40 pm

      Thank you Trang! I find it to be such a powerful exercise. Would love to know what you come up with!


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