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Client Reveal: Canyon Meadows Project

July 6, 2022

Client Reveal: Canyon Meadows Project

No design project is a straight line. Despite all the planning, attention to detail, thinking and over thinking (me!) there are always twists and turns, unexpected issues, delays, balls get dropped, it happens. And at our Canyon Meadows Project it all happened. Things I could never have imagined happened … for instance the seller passed away days before my client was set to take possession … perhaps setting the tone for things to come.

Thankfully my client weathered each disappointment and test of patience, even when they felt relentless with a spirit of adventure and sense of humor, because at a certain point all we could do was laugh.


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Tips and Tricks

Design Trend: Coastal Grandma

May 22, 2022

Design Trend: Coastal Grandma


Whether you’re a fan of her movies like me or not, I’m willing to bet you’ve at least thought to yourself how great it would be to live in one of the homes featured in Nancy Meyer’s films. They are the epitome of effortless style.  None more iconic that Erica Barry’s home in Something’s Gotta Give.


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