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prosecco cake


Prosecco Cake

January 19, 2017

prosecco cake

Call me crazy, but I prefer to ring in the New Year quietly. Ideally at home, with a few friends, a partner (should there be one in my life at the time) or even, alone. No crazy parties, loud music or making small talk for me. Calm, quiet and intentional.

Why am I talking about New Years Eve nearly half way through January? Because I’ve got celebration and cake on my mind!

I’m getting ready to head down to Las Vegas to celebrate my girlfriend’s bachelorette, a weekend I planned and have been anxiously awaiting to see come together. Truth be told, I feel far too old to be planning a bachelorette, much less in Las Vegas! But alas, that’s where I find myself. While there will be much more on the bachelorette to come on the blog, for today, I’m sharing this delicious and might I say gorgeous Prosecco Cake.


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