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Happy New Year


My Word

January 4, 2016

Image 1 (PC: JWS Interiors)

It’s a new year and for many of us that means setting resolutions and goals for ourselves.  If you read my post on New Years Eve, (if you were out celebrating and missed it, you can read it here) you know that carving out time for reflection is an important part of my closing the book on a year.  I believe it’s an important part of consciously creating and achieving in the new year, how can you possibly know where you’re headed without understanding where you’ve come from?

Having said that I don’t set resolutions.  They are far to serious and the word itself if riddled with negative energy, why would I want to bring that into the new year?


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Happy New Year!

January 1, 2016


Here it is! New Years Eve! Another year has come to an end! And what a year it has been! Full, full, full!  Which is probably why I was so craving a quiet, NYE at home 🙂

Do you take time to reflect on the past year?  A beautiful friend of mine writes a letter to herself at the start of each year and then opens it on New Years Day, it’s how she check in on the hopes and dreams she had for the coming year, what she experienced, learned and perhaps neglected.  I love this idea so much!  While I haven’t adopted it yet, (perhaps this year) I always like to take some time in and around New Years Eve to reflect on the year past and what I want to create in the year ahead.


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