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Design Crush

Design Crush: Black Artists

June 25, 2020

It’s been a month since George Floyd was murdered.  And while we still have miles and miles to go, I am hopeful.  The world feels a little different and the movement feels stronger and deeper than it ever has.

I like so many of you I have spent the last few weeks reading, learning and reflecting.  In my exploration I’ve come across a number of captivating black designers and creators that I’d like to share with you.  Although I’m not entirely sure what change looks like, I know I want to be a part of it. I hope you enjoy.


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Home Tours

Inspired Interiors: Texas Makeover

April 29, 2020

Inspired Interiors: Texas Makeover

This weeks Inspired Interiors feature is a stunning home makeover in Texas.  Outdated wallpaper, closed off spaces, drop ceilings, and old can lighting were replaced with an open concept floor plan and modern accents.  Creating the illusion of much more volume and space, while making the home more conducive to how we live in 2020.


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Tuesday 10

Tuesday 10

April 27, 2020

We had the most beautiful weekend here in Calgary, sun filled days with warm temperatures.  It’s amazing how much the sun can energize and uplift our moods. Those of us who live in northern climates, long for summer.  And while the beautiful weather did remind me of all that I can’t quiet do, like drinks on a patio with friends and backyard BBQs, I was grateful for the ease and lightness that comes with this time of year.


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